Student Organizations

Clubs and organizations are under the supervision of the guidance department. Each group is expected to meet the following requirements: an adviser who is a member of the faculty, a set of officers, a set of written objectives and guidelines, and club fees.

Student Government

The Student Government (SG) is the school organization where every bona fide student of AUP Academy is a member. The SG with the leadership of its officers and advisers help the school prepare relevant programs and activities to make student life more meaningful as they study in the Academy. It is also an avenue by which students are trained in parliamentary procedures and rules of governance.


Each section of the year level is organized into a homeroom unit named after their respective sections. Each homeroom meets daily. These groups are also the constituents of Student Government set-up. The officers and the adviser play important roles in the implementation of the school program in their respective constituencies.

Grade Level Class Organization

All activities pertaining to the different grade level are planned by the organization with its officers and advisers.

English Club

This club was formed primarily as an outlet for students with talents in acting, speaking, and other stage performances, and those with the inclination for the arts. After a series of workshops, the group extends into musical plays and serious religious programs. Interested thespians may contact their English and Filipino teachers.

Math, Science and Technology Club

The club provides activities to increase knowledge in Science, Math and Technology to explore the “world of science” through experimentation and discovery. Some activities of the club include: field trips to factories, museums and other places relevant to science and math, quiz bees or corners where science and math are the subjects in question and researching and reporting news items on new developments particularly in science and mathematics.

Academy Music Club

The AUP Academy Chorale (JHS & SHS) is the official singing group of the Academy, and so is the AUPA Orchestra. There are other smaller singing and instrumental groups formed with the aid of some faculty as sponsors. Not only to these groups help students cultivate their musical talents, but they also serve as avenues of Christian witness and Godly praise.

Academy Religious Club (ARC)

Students active in children storytelling, health lecturing, song leading, and soul-winning are encouraged to join the Academy Religious Club and outreach groups for Branch Sabbath Schools, Voice of Prophecy, and other community services in nearby barangays.

Academy International Students Association (AISA)

All foreign students of AUPA are members of the AISA. Filipinos who have the taste for culture of other countries and their own are also welcome.

Sports Club

Basketball and Volleyball for girls and boys, soccer, frisbees, swimming, and table tennis teams compose the sports club that usually plays for SA Cup, friendship, and exhibition games in and off campus. Tryouts and selection of players are scheduled during the first few weeks of the school year. Any student with a failing grade is not qualified to play during games until he could recover in his/her academic deficiency.

Intramural Teams

All AUPA students divided into teams before the end of the first semester for the AUPA annual Intramurals. Each team is identified by a given color and is headed by a team captain and assistant team captain. The teams play in ballgames, group games, and team responsibilities in friendly competition for a period set by the Student Government and approved by the Faculty.

Writers Club

The Academy Voice and the Academy Prime provide activities for the literary minded. Wizards interested in computer editing, photography, filming, layout, and designs, the socially aware, those who love to keep track of dates and events, newspaper distributors, and students who enjoy meeting people and getting to know them better, even the picture fanatics and cartoon doodlers are welcome.

Pathfinder Club

All AUP Academy students are members of the Pathfinder Club. The club is the Adventist counterpart of Scouting.

Teen Leadership Training (TLT)

Students, who wish to be trained for leadership especially for Pathfinder officership, are encouraged to join the training for 1 year every Sunday morning.

Academy Booklovers Club (ABC)

This club exist to enhance the reading potentials of every member and to develop and increase the usefulness of Library and Media Center.

Visual Arts Club (VAC)

This club is for AUP Academy students who are interested in the arts. It aims to create an avenue for students to develop their artistic skills and provide an extracurricular activity for students who enjoy in the visual arts.

You can join these clubs.

Don’t miss the fun!